Egyptian Dukkah Spice Mix Recipe

Author: Raquel  

Whole spices in a mortar and pestle Egyptian Dukkah

A good dukkah is a wonderful thing. 

You can mix it with olive oil to create a marinate or spread for all sorts of delicious things.

You can pop some in a bowl with flat bread for people to dip, spread it over breads or pits, scatter over chicken or fish, use it as a garnish for meat and dips, or marinade your favourite ingrediants in it before grilling. 

If you do use it as a marinade for ingredienst you want to BBQ be sure to keep your heat low and choose fast cooking meat or veggies so the dukkah doesn't burn under the flame. 

Makes about 1⁄2 cup

• 1 heaped tbsp pistachios
• 1 heaped tbsp pistachios
• 1 heaped tbsp hazelnuts
• 1 heaped tbsp Cumin seeds
• 1 heaped tbsp Coriander seeds • 2 tbsp sesame seeds

• 1 tbsp fennel seeds • 1 tsp coarse salt

Grind all ingredients up in a mortar and pestle. You can use ground spices and chop the nuts if you don’t have a mortar and pestle.



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