Crunchy Onion Rings with Herby Mayo Dip Recipe

Author: Raquel  

On The Side!

This recipe is one you'll want to do on your BBQ's side burner. If your outdoor kitchen BBQ doesn't have a side burner you can use a heavy gauge deep sided pan - like a cast iron pot - and place it directly on your grill plate. Keep an eye on the temperature of the oil.

A thermomoter is a handy device here!



1 carton buttermilk

2 tsp sumac

2 large onions, peeled and thinly sliced

2 cups flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

Enough vegetable oil to reach 8cm up the pot you are cooking in

2 tbsp fresh parsely, chopped

1/4 cup mayonaise



Place onions and sumac in in a bowl with the buttermilk.

Combine flour, salt and pepper in a bowl.

Heat oil to 180 degrees.

Take small amounts of onions from the buttermilk, coat with flour and carefully drop into the hot oil.

Move them around in the oil to stop them from sticking together and once golden brown remove and drain on paper towel.

Repeat with remaining onions.

Combine mayo and pasrley and serve.

A bowl of crispy onions rings





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